Background: Trade Missions for Export Promotion
The Challenge
Our Client for this Trade Mission to Romania was the Royal Dutch Embassy in Bucharest looking for Trade Mission services and support for organising a major 3-day trade event on the occasion of Minister Lilianne Ploumen visit to Romania. After launching a bid in which participated several local consulting firms with expertise in trade mission organisation, the FRD Center bid was successful and selected as a provider of Trade Mission services for Export Promotion.
The Solution:
Based on its solid expertise in organising Trade Missions for Export Promotion, over a period of 12 weeks, the FRD Center intensively prepared and delivered high-quality B2B meetings with selected relevant local players, organised a 1-2-1 Business Forum for 30 Dutch companies from a multitude of sectors, several PR events, a formal dinner reception etc.
FRD Center managed the local suppliers of services and provided Project Management throughout the 3-day event. After the Trade Delegation departure, the FRD Center carried out a survey and follow up with more than 200 local players that participated in the Dutch business event.
For International Governmental and Export Promotion Agencies, FRD Center has been organising Trade Missions for Export Promotion, Business Presentations, Inward Buyer Missions and Business Roundtables in Romania and the region since 2002.
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For the FRD Center – virtual and physical – Trade Missions track record and presentation go to
Since the Dutch Ministerial Trade Mission event in 2014, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania – – commissioned the FRD Center B2B matchmaking and market research services in several other projects and has also recommended FRD Center to relevant Dutch organisations, such as NLinBusiness and VNO-NCW. NL International Business (NLinBusiness) is initiated by the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) and The Royal Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MKB-Nederland) in close partnership with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Dutch employers’ organisation in the technology industry (FME), the Dutch employers’ organisation for international trade and logistics (evofenedex) and the Dutch employers’ organisation of SMEs active in the metal industry (Koninklijke Metaalunie).