Successful Virtual Healthcare Buyers Mission from Romania to Germany

What are the opportunities presented by the Romanian medical and healthcare sector for the foreign manufacturers of medical technology, health equipment, medical devices etc.? 

Are you an Export Promotion Agency looking to organise tailored B2B matchmaking between your members and the relevant buyers, qualified specialised importer-distributors in Eastern Europe? 
Contact the FRD Center team at email: with your needs for local support in Emerging Europe. 
Here are more details about a recent successful Virtual Healthcare Buyers Mission from Romania to Germany organised by FRD Center and trAIDe for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
Between August and November 2020, in collaboration with our German partners, FRD Center successfully completed a virtual trade mission in the medical equipment and healthtech sector facilitating B2B business-2-business contacts between German manufacturers and Romanian specialised Importers and Distributors. The Virtual Healthcare Buyers Mission was organised in connection with MEDICA Trade Fair Germany 
The project was conducted in partnership with trAIDe GmbH for the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Trade and the BMWi Mittelstand Global Foreign Market Entry Programme
From over 100 relevant Romanian players, mainly importers, wholesalers and distributors in the medtech sector identified and selected by FRD Center, 13 companies benefitted from b2b matchmaking with important German producers of medical devices and health technology, organised by our partners in Germany. 
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) supports German firms in a variety of ways: e.g. in the form of trade policy measures which facilitate access to foreign markets or by supporting specific activities at all export stages.
The German Economic Affairs Ministry’s export promotion services help small and medium-sized enterprises to develop new markets abroad. The programme caters to forward looking industries such as energy, environmental technology, healthcare and civil security, but also to more traditional industries. Companies are able to combine different modules, and are able to choose the right services in line with their individual needs. 
For over 20 years, FRD Center organises tailor-made Trade Missions, B2B meetings and company presentations in order to facilitate access of the foreign manufacturers to the local specialised importer-distributors and direct buyers in countries such as Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Serbia, Turkey etc. 
Contact the FRD Center team at email: with your needs for local support in Emerging Europe. 
Healthcare in Romania is dominated by the public sector, which owns most of the hospitals and provides national health insurance to almost all Romanian citizens. Earlier in 2020, Romania has started a major reform of its much-criticized health system by allowing patient copayments to private medical services providers. The measure could boost private businesses in the sector, which have a much lower market share than public providers. 
The Romanian private healthcare market has been on the rise in recent years, with networks such as Regina Maria, MedLife, Medicover, and Sanador benefiting from the trend of middle- and high-income patients preferring to avoid public hospitals. 
More details about the Romanian Private Healthcase Sector can be consulted in the FRD Center demo analysis at this link:
Large state projects and private initiatives are currently being implemented in the Romanian healthcare sector infrastructure. Experts and authorities alike argue that this reform has another major advantage: boosting competition for patients’ benefit. 
The market for medical devices, dental products, and high-technology diagnostic imaging equipment in Romania has excellent prospects for growth. The medical equipment market will continue to grow in the coming years as a result of increased demand, the development of local production, and the need to meet European quality standards. 
According to official data, the number of Romanians with private health insurance policies increased in 2018 by 33 percent compared to 2017 to over 365,000. Another factor that could trigger higher demand for private healthcare services in Romania is the new coronavirus, known technically as SARS-CoV-2, which causes the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Romania does not have a domestic industry of modern medical technology, approx 90% of its needs being covered by imports. The largest suppliers are Siemens, Philips and General Electric. 
Hence the increasing interest shown by healtech manufacturers from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, UK, Ireland, USA, India etc. that have been contacted FRD Center requesting market entry support and assistance to the Decision Makers in relevant local companies and hospitals. 
What are the opportunities presented by the Romanian Health Equipment and Medical Devices Market? For more details go to the FRD Center demo analysis available for free download at 
Contact the FRD Center team at email: with your needs for local support in Emerging Europe. 
Hackathon4Health 2020, the fourth edition of the hackathon on health issues, will take place between 11 and 13 December 2020.

More details in the FRD Center business blog posting at

How to identify and select the best Business Partners in emerging markets in Europe such as Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine etc.?

This is the FRD Center “How to” Guide of Business Partners Search in Emerging Europe available at this link:

How to find importer-distributors, clients, new vendors, service suppliers and how to approach them at Decision Maker level? Email FRD Center at for more details.

Suchen Sie als deutsches Beratungsunternehmen einen zuverlässigen Partner in Rumänien, um gemeinsame Projekte für die deutschen Unternehmen in diesem Markt zu organisieren? Dies ist ein Beispiel für eine kürzlich durchgeführte virtuelle Handelsmission von Rumänien nach Deutschland, die wir 2020 für ein deutsches Beratungsunternehmen und die Bundesregierung organisiert haben. Sind Sie eine deutsche Exportförderungsagentur, die ein maßgeschneidertes B2B-Matchmaking zwischen Ihren Mitgliedern und den relevanten Käufern, qualifizierten spezialisierten Importeuren und Händlern in Osteuropa, organisieren möchte? Wenden Sie sich unter der E-Mail-Adresse an das FRD Center-Team, um Informationen zu lokaler Unterstützung in Emerging Europe zu erhalten.

Are you aware of the opportunities in the new Romanian public hospitals? More details are available in this link:

The Romanian public healthcare system is currently receiving considerable attention from international investors, such as the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank and the World Bank. Also, funding is available from EU programs and the recently launched National Recovery and Resilience Facility.

Total allocated sum for the period 2021 – 2027 is of approx 4 bnEUR

For over 20 years, FRD Center assists foreign manufacturers and exporters identify and select local business partners, experienced importer-distributors of hospital equipment such as those specified in the document available at this link: