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What are the Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment In Romania in 2024? 

What are the market expansion and investment opportunities up-dates regarding the Romanian market? Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania

Here is the latest FRD Center analysis available for free download at this link:

1 – building and construction –
2 – public and private hospitals investments –
3 – industrial manufacturing and metalworking –
4 – animal farming development
5 – energy efficiency, photovoltaic, cogeneration, biofuels –
6 – BPO and software development outsourcing
7 – circular economy, recycling, waste management –

What do you know about Going Global to Romania? Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania – International expansion to Emerging Europe can be an opportunity worth considering. Nevertheless it requires careful preparation, reliable market assessment from a trustworthy and reputable market research firm, such as FRD Center.

According to the official data published by the National Bank of Romania, the foreign direct investments in Romania reached 5.060 billion EUR in the first nine months of 2023.

What are the Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment In Romania in 2024? 

As for the GDP, it increased y-t-y by 1.1% as gross series in the first nine months of 2023. It is expected to record a real growth rate of 2% in 2023, according to the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis.

Are you looking to expand to Romania and Eastern Europe? Perhaps the FRD Center team can be of assistance to you. Email us at with your own requirements for local assistance. Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania.

For over 23 years, FRD Center has been assisting foreign companies identify opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania and other Central and South Eastern European countries.

In spite of the the war in Ukraine, international players have been developing their operations in Romania.

For example, over the last three years, Unilever invested EUR 48 mEUR in their Ploiesti Food Factory, expanding it from 6,000 sqm to 17,000 sqm. It is now one of the most modern Unilever facilities in Europe and, starting with 2024, it will focus exclusively on food production.

According to the official data published by the National Bank of Romania, the foreign direct investments in Romania reached 5.060 billion EUR in the first nine months of 2023.

What are the Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment In Romania in 2024?

As it results from the FRD Center analysis, in the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period of the previous year, the turnover in the manufacturing industry in Romania increased by 1.8% in nominal terms, while the new orders in this sector rose by 4.9%.

Are you looking to expand to Romania and Eastern Europe? Perhaps the FRD Center team can be of assistance to you. Email us at with your own requirements for local assistance.

For over 23 years, FRD Center has been assisting foreign companies identify opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania and other Central and South Eastern European countries.

In regards to the current market expansion and investment opportunities up-dates, here are more details in the FRD Center analysis at this link:

In regards to the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products in Romania, according to the FRD Center analysis, in the first nine months of 2023 it recorded a y-t-y growth as gross series of 10.4% while the manufacture of road transport vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers increased by 5.4%.

The volume of the construction works in Romania increased by 6.6% as gross series in the first eight months of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021, as it results from the FRD Center analysis.

Romania will benefit of 29.18 bn EUR European funding through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP).

One of the sectors to receive funding through the NRRP is the Romanian hospital sector. They will receive 1.7 bnEUR to develop the hospital infrastructure and 400 mEUR for the digitalization of the healthcare system in Romania.

What are the Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment In Romania in 2024? 

Also through the NRRP, Romania receives 1.3 bn EUR for waste management projects and must implement the planned projects by 2026. One priority is the digitization of the waste management sector.

Romania has qualified professionals with Industry 4.0 skills and a developed IT infrastructure allowing the implementation of the latest technologies in the sector of the autonomous mobile robots.

According to Eurostat, with a production of 2.6 million of bicycles in 2022, Romania is the second largest manufacturer of bicycles in the EU.

Are you looking to expand to Romania and Eastern Europe? Perhaps the FRD Center team can be of assistance to you. Email us at with your own requirements for local assistance.

For over 23 years, FRD Center has been assisting foreign companies identify opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania and other Central and South Eastern European countries.

According to the Global Innovation Index 2022 of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Romania ranks 11th among 132 countries for the ICT services exports (% total trade).

Romania is one of the leading countries in the region in terms of BPO, ITO and SSC. Major global companies opened centres in Romania for R&D, business services, custom software development etc. According to the Association of Business Service Leaders, Romania ranks 2nd place in Europe and 6th place worldwide among countries operating in the business services industry.

What are the Opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment In Romania in 2024?

In respect to agriculture, Romania is one of the largest players in Europe, with the utilised total agricultural surface of around 14 million hectares.

In the 2022 – 2023 commercial year, Romania was the second-biggest grain exporter of the EU.

In regards to the current market expansion and investment opportunities up-dates, here are more details in the FRD Center analysis at this link:


1 – building and construction

2 – public and private hospitals investments

3 – industrial manufacturing and metalworking

4 – animal farming development

5 – energy efficiency, photovoltaic, cogeneration, biofuels

6 – BPO and software development outsourcing

7 – circular economy, recycling, waste management

Within the National Programme for the rehabilitation of the irrigation infrastructure, the Romanian Government approved in August 2022 allocations from the national budget of 1.5 bn EUR by 2027, with the target is to increase the irrigated surface of Romania from 1.8 million hectares to 2.6 million hectares.

The National Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027 – Investments in Agriculture has a budget of 1.7 bn EUR for 2023 in Romania. Examples of relevant funding lines are: investments in zootechnical sector, modernisation of the irrigation infrastructure, purchase of agricultural machinery for the vegetal sector, support for setting up young farmers, investments in small farms.

In regards to the current market expansion and investment opportunities up-dates, here are more details in the FRD Center analysis at this link:

Are you looking to expand to Romania and Eastern Europe? Perhaps the FRD Center team can be of assistance to you. Email us at with your own requirements for local assistance.

For over 23 years, FRD Center has been assisting foreign companies identify opportunities for Market Expansion, Trade and Investment in Romania and other Central and South Eastern European countries.

Are you considering market expansion to Romania and Emerging Europe?

Here are some insights from Business News Daily:

“Expanding to every market where you could potentially succeed doesn’t always make sense. Narrow down the countries and territories you’re considering based on your research. For example, choose a location where you won’t face competition or a nearby country that allows you to use your current suppliers.

When you focus on markets that will be easy to enter and thrive in, you set yourself up for continued growth and future expansion.

  1. Consult with experts about your international expansion.

It’s never a good idea to go into a new business venture blind. Speaking with experts can help your international expansion go off without a hitch.

Mea recommends consulting a market research firm to help determine when, where and how to enter a new country. “[They] can provide in-depth insights into target markets, including customer preferences, competitive landscape and regulatory requirements.””

The full article “Going Global: How to Expand Your Business Internationally”

is available at this link:

Here are some insights from Horizons:

“Expand globally for growth opportunities

Market research often reveals that there is a unique opportunity for your product or service in a target country or countries. For example, it may be the case that:

You produce a product that is not currently available in that country

Your competitors are not yet operating in that country and you seek to be ‘first to market’

The target market has shown a particular interest in the types of products or services that your company sells.

In any of these cases, global expansion will be an essential part of your growth strategy. ”

The full article “Global Expansion: 5 Benefits of Expanding Your Business Internationally” is available at this link:

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