Our team of consultants includes (click for details):
Senior consultant – Cosmetics, Health and Fitness Marketing
Woman-entrepreneur and business consultant with over 10 years experience in marketing and PR.
As a consultant, she is focused on the health and beauty sectors.
Before starting her own business, she managed for several years one of the leading companies importing medical and beauty equipments and products in Romania. Then, she focused on offering services to companies in health and beauty sector, such as: importers and distributors of medical, beauty and fitness equipments and products, retailers in the health and beauty sector, beauty centers and spas, fitness and wellness centers.
She has a very good understanding of the Romanian health and beauty market and she is up-to date with changes taking place in these sectors in Romania. She is a member of the most important professional associations and networking organizations.
Senior consultant – energy efficiency and renewable energy
- BA in Engineering, 20 years of experience in the energy field, mainly gas, renewable energy and co-generation
- Currently in charge with the pipeline development and the project management of energy efficiency investment programme to industrial Romanian customers financed using the BOOT investment scheme
- Since 2003, he was involved in the launching of an energy efficiency and renewable investment programme, dedicated to the financing of the energy efficiency projects at industrial consumers from Romania
- For over 3 years, has dealt with different technical and commercial aspects regarding the development and the then operations of the Lukoil LPG retail stations network in Romania
- For over 4 years has been the Technical and Investments Manager of Shell Gas Romania and for 6 years has been involved in the design, manufacturing and development of gas turbines and other industrial equipment (air and gas compressors ) for oil & gas applications in Comoti SA
- Trained in Romania, The Netherlands and the UK, he is fluent in Romanian and English, also speaks French
Senior consultant – market research in social, medical and pharma sector
Medical Doctor with over 10 years of experience in market research.
Since 2000 to date handled numerous projects on advertising, surveys and market research. The main focus is the health and medical field.
He has a portfolio of over 400 studies for different clients and brands, with over 200 projects in the public health, medical and pharmaceutical field: national surveys, medical market entry studies, marketing analysis and prognosis, marketing plans and strategies, medical market analysis and collaborates with health promotion consultants, public health experts and KOLs from private or public sector. He coordinated numerous research teams while developing research methodologies , tools and instruments, coordinated data analysis activity, development of the final reports for more than 200 studies for different national and international institution and organizations, both governamental and private.
- Quantitative studies at national level, on the general population and also on specific populations
- Qualitative studies on different types of populations
- Market analysis (especially medical market analysis)
- Health programme and health systems evaluation
- Media research
- Brand analysis (Brand Equity, Brand Positioning)
- Studies on particular professional groups (medical doctors)
- He also provided market entry consulting and business assistance to numerous foreign companies interested to do business in Romania.
Organisational skills and competences – project management and organisational qualifications, successful coordination and implementation of national training programmes and national surveys, workshops, conferences. Very good communication skills as well as analytical, project management and planning skills.
Has experience in trans-national projects and multicultural/multinational environments, cooperation with various actors, e.g. social partner organisations, NGOs, international and bilateral aid organizations.
Fluent in Romanian and English.
Senior Consultant – Agribusiness
Specialist working in Agribusiness with experience in marketing, PR and business development. Agronomy education with B.A., MSc and PhD in Agriculture. On-going MBA studies. Continuous education in Romania, France and Germany.
He has expertise in Romanian agricultural inputs market (pesticides, seeds, fertilizer, machinery) and grain trading market. Experienced in coordinating market research, market analysis and competitive intelligence studies. Also he has expertise in gathering information based on desk research, as well as through in-depth interviews and questionnaires.
He has detailed overview of the Romanian Agribusiness market and of the distribution channels, know-how and a very extensive networking.
Fluent in Romanian and English, and also speaks French.
Senior consultant – LPG and gas
Over 9 years of experience in the LPG field, starting from the position of small bulk area sales representative for Shell Gas Romania in the West part of the country in 1997, through the position of Autogas Sales Manager in 2000 and reaching the senior position of Autogas Country Sales Manager within Shell Gas Romania’s management team, in 2003.
He started practically the autogas business in Shell Gas Romania, in 2000, acting also as a project manager, starting the Shell Gas Romania’s autogas business from “greenfield”.
He has detailed and in depth overview of the Romanian LPG market, (cylinder, bulk and auto gas, businesses) know-how and also connections with relevant authorities in the LPG field in Romania.
Together with the Romanian autogas team, he was involved also acting as “best practice” and giving specialized expertise for Shell Gas autogas business in Bulgaria. As autogas manager conducted also a study for Shell Gas during 2002, regarding the Shell Gas’s entry on Serbian LPG market.
Involved especially in sales and marketing, he has also economical and technical understanding of the LPG business. With a technical background, he was involved actively in the Romanian LPG Association, working with the association’s technical commission, for elaborating the new national regulations regarding LPG in bulk and autogas.
Fluent in Romanian and English, also speaks German.
Senior consultant – metallic constructions
Currently the Country Sales Manager for a multinational steel company operating in Romania, one of the largest steel companies worldwide. It supplies components, systems and total solutions to the construction and mechanical engineering industries. Within the company, our Senior Consultant’s responsibility is to build up the business in Romania and the region.
Previously manager of the Romanian distribution subsidiary of a top steel producer in the world, where he was responsible for:
- Building development strategy for this very new subsidiary
- Analyzing the financial reports, projecting cash flows necessary for development plans
- Managing the working capital and insuring the efficient financing opportunities
- Leading the sales and administrative team
- Managing logistics (arranging for warehouses facilities and negotiating the contracts, negotiating contracts with transportation companies, building relation with custom clearance company)
- Building relations with our foreign suppliers and with our strategic clients
- Keeping contact with and reporting to the headquarters
Over 9 years of experience in the sales and distribution field, working for multinational companies operating in Romania.
A graduate in Economics at the University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics, he has a Master in Business Administration by Bradford/NIMBAS-Graduate School of Management, Utrecht, the Netherlands and a Executive Master in Management & International and European Relations at University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Fluent in Romanian and English, also speaks French and Dutch.
Senior consultant – textiles and garments
Over 18 years of experience in international trade and light industry sector, including textiles. Business education, specialization in Trade.
In 1991 enters the private sector, establishing a French Romanian joint venture, dealing with trade of goods, like FMCG, textiles, furniture and electronic appliances. In 1997 sets up her independent private company, specializing on import-export and consultancy of the Romanian market.
Since 1997 to date, she provided business assistance and support to numerous foreign companies interested to do business in the garments sector in Romania. Services included market opportunity assessment, identification of local partners for manufacturing and sector studies in the light industry sector, with a focus on textile garments, underwear and knitted products.
Developed a solid understanding and knowledge of the distribution channels and manufacturing in Romania, especially in the textile sector, with a focus on underwear.
Traveled extensively in European countries (France, Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Austria etc) and Japan for business and has a very good experience in fields like furniture and textiles.
Fluent in Romanian and English, also speaks French and Greek.
Senior consultant – aesthetic medicine, beauty sector and cosmetics
Over 20 years of experience in international trade and light industry sector, including cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, garments, textiles. Business education, specialization in Foreign Trade. Continuous education in UK, Italy, USA, Canada and France.
In 2002 sets up her own beauty salon – to become a chain in 2005. In 2009 opens the first wholistic center offering health and beauty services, personal development consulting, alternative psychological therapies, nutrition, fitness.
Since 2000 to date, she provided market entry consulting and business assistance to numerous foreign companies interested to do business in Romania.
Market research services include:
- F2F interviews with aestetic specialists, cosmeticians, aestetic doctors and surgeons, beauticians etc.
- interviews with importers, distributors of cosmetic products, pharma and para-pharmaceutical products
- store checks in retail, pharma, cosmetics etc.
- mystery shopping in medical sector, pharma, beauty sector
General consulting services included market opportunity assessment, identification of local partners for trade, with a focus on pharma, cosmetics, aestetic medicine.
Traveled extensively for business and training in Europe, North America and recently to Africa.
Fluent in Romanian, Italian, English and French.
Senior consultant – market research and business intelligence
Key qualifications: Public Policy Research, Market Research, Sectoral Research, Institutional Assessment and Organizational Development.
Founding member of the International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies (ICES), Bucharest; Founding member of ”Partners for Change” Association; Visiting professor at SNSPA (National School of Political Science and Administration), Communication in Business On-line Master Program (2005-2006); and at the University of Bucharest, Communication and PR Master program (2007, 2008).
Over 25 years of experience in market research, business development, international trade and marketing. Business education, specialization in Economic Sciences. Continuous education in Austria, Belgium, UK, Switzerland.
Publications and reports:
- Summary statistics of the ACE Survey 1996 in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania; Project no p94-0700-R conducted by The Leuven Institute for CEE studies (coordinate the survey in Romania); July 1996;
- Competitiveness Analysis of the Romanian private companies (responsibility of conducting survey study) co-author 2000;
- Women and Men in Romania. Facts and Figures. UNDP / NIS Engendering Statistics, Responsible for the Women participation in politics and decision making process (7th chapter); National Institute of Statistics 2001; ISBN 973-0-02026-4;
- Women Economic Status in Romania; Ana Society for Feminist Studies and UNDP;
- Stakeholders Analysis ”The first Decade of Global Environmental Facility” – Second Overall Performance Study, published on January 25, 2002;
- Legislative process in Romania, Background Paper for the Lobby Day event, April 2002; CIPE-USAID supported project;
- State of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development in Romania between 1990-2002, co-author, study conducted in cooperation with the Ministry for SMEs and Cooperatives, launched on 20th of May 2003;
- Articles and interviews in Capital, and ”Adevarul Economic” Weekly economic magazines; Romania Libera, local newspapers, etc.
- Overview of the Romanian SMEs, March 2004, edited by NASMEC with EU support;
- Health and Needs of SMEs (national wide CATI Survey Findings) October 2004, 2005;
- Third review and update of the RSDF Operational Manual for Mining Communities Grant Scheme, 2005
- The Annual Reports of SME sector in Romania in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 edited by NASMEC with EU under PHARE TA support project;
- Wages Taxation Policy in Romania, Discussion Paper prepared for Coalition of Women Business Associations (CAFA) and Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) Romania, Round Table hosted by Chamber of Commerce and Industry in November 2004;
- Operational Manual for Equity and Quality Grants for Rural Schools in Republic of Moldova, 2006-2007;
- Operational Manual and PIP for Early Childhood Education- Fast tracking Initiative, Moldova, 2007;
- Operational Manual for Lignite Power Technical Assistance Project, 2007;
- Romanian Greening Facility Development Study, (not yet publicly disclosed), the WB supported report, 2008;
- Annual Report of the SME sector in Romania, edition 2008.
Traveled extensively for business and training in Europe, North America, Asia, the Caucasus etc.
Fluent in Romanian, English and French.
Senior consultant - IVD and Medical Devices
Specialist working in the pharma and Intra Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Devices field for more than 15 years, with extensive experience in business development and market access.
Since 1994 has created the market for more than 8 different line of products from different domains like: Clinical Chemistry, Coagulation, Immunology, Occupational Medicine/Toxicology and a few esoteric tests.
For two years he has been member of the Directors Board of the Medical Products Suppliers Association
- Market entry studies for IVD/Medical Devices for many foreign companies
- Marketing plans and strategies, brand analysis
- Collaborate with health experts and KOLs from private and public sector
Market and Media research
- project management,
- coordination of market development for general and niche products
- training of sales teams and workshops or conferences
- very good communincation skills and project management
Fluent in Romanian, English, Italian and French.