Are you looking to collect data first hand from primary research in Romania and other markets in Eastern Europe? How to obtain primary research in Romania and Emerging Europe? Perhaps the FRD Center team can be of assistance to you.
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For more than 20 years we conduct B2B direct interviews with relevant players in the local markets and we assess their level of interest in a certain product or technology that our Clients are aiming to introduce on the market.
We cover directly the Romanian market and all the markets in Emerging Europe with a network of experienced local independent partners that cover their areas in the local languages.
How to obtain primary research in Romania and Emerging Europe?
Contact us at emails and for more details and an offer of services.
Here are some recent examples:
Example 1:
From the FRD Center direct interviews with representatives of agricultural farms with acid soils in the main area of interest in Central and Western Romania (Arad, Timis, Alba, Cluj, Sibiu, Hunedoara, Mehedinti, Gorj counties) done in a recent research for a Foreign Client from EU, it resulted that, according to this sample:
- 40% do not use soil amendment products and are not interested in such products
- 30% currently use soil amendment products
- 30% used in the past soil amendment products; currently they do not use such products due to financial issues etc.
The sample interviewed grow arable cultures (crops of cereals), fruits, vegetables and vineyards.
Example 2:
For a Client based in Western Europe looking to outsource part of their production to Romania, FRD Center has conducted direct interviews with Relevant Managers from 17 selected Romanian manufacturers of metal racks, shop-fitting equipment, custom made metal warehousing solutions and industrial parts.
The manager answering the questions in this particular example was the Production Manager.
He was quite open to have such an interview and when he did not know the answer to the particular question (i.e about the CE marking) he enquired internally and provided the answer at a later stage.
Technologies used include: laser cutting of steel sheets, bending and grinding of metal sheets, metal sheet piece deburring / finishing, surface treatment with Time-Saver equipment, assembly of complete products.
From the interview it resulted that upon request from the Client they can source whatever type of stainless steel is required, including Stainless steel 304 2B of 1.4301 to 1.4307. They can provide separate delivery and packaging according to the Client’s requirements and they have experience in international trade, working already with several international companies from overseas.
Also, he was open to continue the discussion by email and involve his colleagues to provide additional technical details which he did not know at this stage.
How to obtain primary research in Romania and Emerging Europe?
Contact us at emails and for more details and an offer of services.
Example 3:
Upon the request from a Finnish consortium of firms specialised in state-of-the-art design and technologies for construction, FRD Center interviewed Decision Makers in major selected Romanian companies in architecture, building engineering, construction etc. and, based on the introduction of the Finnish consortium, assessed interest in potential collaboration and facilitated direct contact between the interested local parties and the Finnish firms.
Example 4:
Part of a comprehensive market research and opportunity assessment carried out for an Irish client looking to introduce their natural soil-improvement agricultural product onto the Romanian market, FRD Center provided also primary research with local potential buyers for the products of this Client.
All the interviewed targets which currently use or used in the past dolomite / limestone soil amendment products have a positive opinion about the products. They consider the products useful for their crops.
From the FRD Center interviews with agricultural farms with acid soils in other areas in Central and NW Romania done for this research, resulted that:
- price is the main factor which determines their decision to use, or not, soil amendment products
- the greatest majority of the potato growers in the Transylvanian plateau have acid soils which they amend with a sub-product resulting from the Azomures chemical fertilizers production. Azomures provides them with this residue for free – only the transport costs from the railway to their farms are covered by the farmers.
- many of the farmers in NW region consider it too expensive to buy and transport soil amendments, since in their view such expenses are not justified by the yields
Example 5:
In the process of the B2B matchmaking and organisation of trade missions, FRD Center conducts direct interviews with the local players, at Decision Maker level, to assess their interest in foreign products or potential partners. FRD Center has been organising Trade Missions in and from Romania for more than 20 years.
One such example is an in-coming trade mission of technology manufacturers from the USA and Canada. Some of the participating companies were AFC Holcroft, Jemms Cascade, Fluxtrol, Dongan Electric and Orion, mainly targeting the automotive manufacturing sector but also the energy sector, heavy machinery and metallurgical industry.
For such a project, FRD Center conducted direct interviews with decision makers in companies such as Duroterm, Timken, Federal-Mogul Motorparts, Bodycote, Componente Auto, Ford, Dacia, Compa, Böhler Uddeholm, Magna, NTN-SNR Rulmenti, Roman Brasov, MAT Craiova, Titan Echipamente Nucleare, Schaeffler, Airbus Helicopters Romania, GIC Group, SILDVB Com, Euro Auto Plastic Systems (Faurecia), Uzina Mecanica Marsa, Star Transmission (Daimler Group).
How to obtain primary research in Romania and Emerging Europe?
Contact us at emails and for more details and an offer of services.
Example 6:
Following direct interviews with market players in the bio-food sector for a comprehensive market study conducted by FRD Center for the Royal Dutch Embassy in 2019, it resulted, among others that:
“The Romanian market of organic food products is dominated by imports. Currently, there is a fairly diversified selection of organic food products available in Romania. The offer consists mainly of organic processed foods and high-value products.
According to market sources, some 70-80% of the organic foods and beverages available on the Romanian market are imported.
The main categories of organic packaged food products sold on the Romanian market include:
-dairy products: cheese, cream cheese, butter, milk, yoghurt, drinking yogurt, sana, kefir
-baby food
-breakfast cereals
-flour, rice, pasta and noodles
-baked goods
-biscuits and snack bars
-oils and fats
-sweet and savoury snacks
-spreads, honey
-nuts and dried fruits
-ready made foods and salads
Organic F&B products are becoming more widely present on the Romanian market, both in specialised stores and in modern grocery chains. All major retailers have been allocating more shelf space and visibility to such products in the recent 2-3 years.”
Example 7:
According to the Coordinator of the Japan Branch of the League of Romanian Students Abroad (LRSA), interviewed by FRD Center for a recent research ordered by the main governmental Japanese body for foreign trade promotion, at the moment there are more than 20 Romanian students in Japan. They are either beneficiaries of the Japanese Ministry of Education scholarship or going through independent applications with financial support from the JASSO program. The LRSA believe that the number of Romanian students studying in Japan is higher, so they are constantly looking.
According to the Head of Japanese Language Department in the Babes-Bolyai University, interviewed by FRD Center for this survey, an average of 5 students from their university go to Japan to study every year.
How to obtain primary research in Romania and Emerging Europe?
Contact us at emails and for more details and an offer of services.
Example 8:
Following the interviews done by FRD Center in a recent research for a Client based in Western Europe with County Offices of Pedological and Agrochemical Studies (OSPAs) in the relevant areas for this research, some of the conclusions are:
- The agricultural producers in Romania, especially the big and medium-sized ones, request soil tests to OSPA, including on soil acidity. In case the analysis reveals that the soils are acid, OSPA recommends the farmers to use soil amendment products. Subsequently, OSPA does not monitor the consumption of soil amendment products.
- OSPAs do not have strategies or concrete plans to stimulate the use of soil amendment products; they only recommend to farmers with acid soils to use such products.
- To their knowledge, overall, a number of Romanian farmers show interest to use (dolomite-based) soil amendment products.
- The advantages of the dolomite-based soil amendment products are not sufficiently known by the Romanian farmers, especially by the small ones.
- The soil amendment products are quite expensive, especially for small farmers.
Many small farmers do not know that they have acid soils because they do not afford to pay for soil tests to OSPA. For example, in Gorj county, the cost of a soil test is 240 RON / sample – and for a hectare 2 – 4 samples are necessary.
Example 9:
For an international Client, which positions itself as a leading global provider of competitive and market intelligence solutions, FRD Center has conducted B2B interviews in various sectors in several market research projects.
One of such projects conducted in Romania involved the interviewing of local decision makers in relevant SMEs in the building and constructions sector in regards to their perception, usage and purchase of Fixing Systems, such as Chemical Fixings, Construction Chemistry, Steel Fixings, Drills, Bits and Abrasives, Insulation Fixing, Installation Systems etc.
The questionnaire included topics such as
Product quality
Good value for money
Good corporate sustainability practices
Strong after-sales service
Good customer relationship
Delivery on-time (strong inventory of products)
Strong innovative capacity
Strong brand
Based on the over 80 interviews conducted by FRD Center, the Client-firm was able to conclude – among other strategic topics – that the Romanian market of total fixing equipment was growing at a CAGR of 7.7% at the time.
How to obtain primary research in Romania and Emerging Europe?
Contact us at emails and for more details and an offer of services.
Example 10:
According to telephone interviews with the electricity companies’ representatives in Bulgaria carried out by the FRD Center local partners as part of a multi-country study on Smart Metering coordinated by the FRD Center, the penetration of electricity consumption meters whose readings can be extracted remotely, including smart meters, is 65% to 70% within those used in households.
Toplofikatsia Sofia EAD is one of the most important engineering structures of Sofia and is among the key energy systems for the whole of Bulgaria The company provides the heating of almost 1.5 million Sofia citizens by supplying heat to more than 430 000 household and business customers. The company manages and maintains approximately 2000 km (returning and returning) heat transmission network and over 16,800 subscriber stations.
The company has an annual investment program in which plans network reconstruction activities and exchange of old heat meters with smart meters in the subscriber stations. The heat meters in the subscriber stations are approximately 1/3 smart, 1/3 adjustable to smart metering technology and 1/3 old.
During 2017 a tender for 4 300 smart meters in subscriber stations had been held and the winner was ITA COM.
According to the interview carried out by the FRD Center Bulgarian partners with reps of Toplofikatsia Sofia EAD, the Losses on heat transmission network are 17% which is the highest percentage compared to any other energy sector.
In the same study coordinated by FRD Center in 2017, the Turkish partner of FRD Center carried out interviews with relevant local players. According to their phone call with CK Boğaziçi Elektrik, which is one of the main utilities in Turkey, it was disclosed that “ individual units (households) do not have authority to choose the smart meter brand in Turkey. All the decision-making power belongs to the distribution service operators. Ownership, distribution and installation rights belongs to these operators. They only need approval from EMRA (The Energy Market Regulatory Authority). Construction companies also do not have a right to choose the meter brand. It is again designated by DSOs. Before 2013, individual units could choose the smart meter brand, but it is not the case anymore.”
Are you interested in data collection and primary research? In private B2B interviews with KOLs and Decision Makers? Contact us at emails and for more details and an offer of services.