Are you a manufacturer looking for new suppliers in Romania and Eastern Europe? Maybe this GUIDE “How to find new suppliers in Romania and Eastern Europe?” provided by the market entry consulting firm, FRD Center, could be useful to you:
Are you facing challenges with your supply process in Asia? Are your Chinese or Indian suppliers not a solution anymore? Are you looking for new vendors closer to home?
Is your company suffering from supply chain disruption due to the COVID19 pandemic?
Email FRD Center at or with your specific requirements and, upon your request, the FRD Center can initiate the “New Suppliers Search & Selection Process” in Romania, Serbia, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Turkey etc.
How to find new suppliers in Romania and Eastern Europe? How to identify and select the most relevant suppliers in Eastern European low cost countries such as Romania? FRD Center assists foreign companies with their New Vendors Search & Selection needs for twenty years.
For your particular needs contact the FRD Center team at email: or
This is the FRD Center “How to find new suppliers in Eastern Europe” Guide available for free download also at
How to find new suppliers in Romania and Eastern Europe? The New Vendors Search & Selection project developed by FRD Center for the foreign Client aims to enable the Client to correctly identify and select local relevant players in the respective Target Groups in markets such as Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Turkey, Lithuania etc.
Stage 1: Longlist generation:
The FRD Center activities to be performed in this stage will mainly consist of, but are not limited to:
a) detailed scan and analysis of the players in the local market(s) for identifying potential target companies, according to the criteria and profile provided by the Client.
b) prepare longlist of selected companies and collect data of the target companies matching the given profile.
Details should be, where available / obtainable at this stage:
· year of setting up / established
· sales/ turnover and sales track record / turnover history for the last 3 years
· segments in which the company operates/serves
· types of products they manufacture – from the three categories specified by the Client
· technical capabilities, technologies and machinery used
· raw materials sources
· experience so far, examples of projects
· examples of clients / external partners, if the case
· quality systems in place
· available in-house infrastructure and logistic experience
· number of technical staff
· experience in export
· packaging experience
For more details contact the FRD Center team at email: or
For the FRD Center Nearshore Sourcing in Emerging Europe Guide go to
Stage 2: Short-listing / Qualification
· The Client will consult the long-lists received from FRD Center and will shortlist the Priority A companies
· Based on the shortlist provided by the Client, FRD Center will proceed to check for potential issues, legal and reputation problems: background check and reputation check of the potential business partners from public sources and from FRD Center’s network of contacts; Eliminate from the short-list those players that return problematic results following this research
· As a next step, FRD Center will contact* at Decision Maker level the Selected Targets and verify their capabilities, expertise, technologies used, their matching with the Client’s criteria
· Those Targets that prove to be qualified, will be further approached* by FRD Center to obtain from them tailored offers and financial quotations as per the Client’s specific requirements
· prepare a report of the companies’ Decision Makers replies and offers
*Note: the communication with the local Targets will be made in confidence, without disclosing the Client’s identity
For your particular needs contact the FRD Center team at email: or
Stage 3: Meetings with Decision Makers
· Should the Client so require, FRD Center will contact the interested Decision Makers in companies which provided offers that are satisfactory and set up 1-2-1 meetings for the Client
· Prepare for the Client the profiles of the Companies, the meetings Agenda
· If needed and specifically requested by the Client, a FRD Center Project Manager can accompany and assist the Client during the meetings
For the FRD Center Nearshore Sourcing in Emerging Europe Guide go to
Stage 4: Follow up and Pursuit
· Should the Client so require, FRD Center will follow up and pursue the Decision Makers in most relevant local companies until a contract is signed
Throughout the process: Factory inspections
· Should the Client consider it necessary and so require, FRD Center specialists will visit the Target’s production sites in order to inspect the equipments, capabilities etc. and meet with the Decision Makers on behalf of the Client.
· A visit report will follow providing the findings and conclusions
For the The FRD Center “How to” Guide of Business Partners Search in Emerging Europe go to
What do you know about Manufacturing in Emerging Europe: Bulgaria, Czech Rep, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey? For more details visit the FRD Center business blog posting and report at the link
How to find new suppliers in Romania and Eastern Europe? Are you looking for new suppliers that can manufacture for you in Romania? Are you trying to identify and contact at Decision Maker level local vendors that you could outsource industrial manufacturing or furniture production to?
More details at
Perhaps the FRD Center can be of assistance to you. Contact us at email:
Here are a few examples of completed New Supplier Search and Selection projects by FRD Center:
1 – Search and Selection of providers of complex services in technology manufacturing in Romania:
2 – Furniture manufacturers new supplier qualification in Romania for a major Norwegian producer of speciality chairs and furniture:
3 – Luxury furniture new suppliers qualifications in Romania for Dutch manufacturer:
4 – Metal sheet parts new vendors identification for global companies:
How to find qualified furniture producers in Central and South Eastern Europe? Go to for more details
Where to find the most reliable local players in the metal casting and metal processing sector in Romania?
How to reach metal sheet parts manufacturers in Eastern Europe – new vendors and suppliers for global companies? More details in the FRD Center business blog posting at
How is East European manufacturing sector catching up after the COVID19 restrictions? For more details visit the link
Who are the main furniture manufacturers in the low cost countries in Eastern Europe? How to contact the players in the Furniture Industry? How to reach the Decision Makers in the the companies manufacturing furniture in the LCCs in Emerging Europe? Why to source in Eastern Europe instead of China or Asia?
For more details visit
Are you interested to outsource part of your furniture production and assembly in Eastern Europe? What are the opportunities in the Furniture Manufacturing sector in CE and SE Europe? Email us at for more details.
Who are the best qualified local manufacturers in CE Europe and SE Europe? How to find qualified local producers in low cost countries in Eastern Europe? Which are the most relevant furniture manufacturers in Poland and in Lithuania? How to find qualified local furniture producers in Romania or in Turkey?
More details at
Perhaps the FRD Center can be of assistance to you. Contact us at email:
For the FRD Center Nearshore Sourcing in Emerging Europe Guide go to
How to identify new suppliers in Eastern European low cost countries? How to reach metal sheet parts manufacturers, metal constructions and machined parts manufacturers in Eastern Europe – new vendors and suppliers for global companies?
How to identify and select the most relevant suppliers in Eastern European low cost countries such as Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Bulgaria, Turkey or Slovakia?
For over 20 years, FRD Center assists global companies with their sourcing activities in Romania and other markets in Emerging Europe.
Are you interested to identify new vendors and suppliers in low cost countries in Eastern Europe?
Recently, FRD Center successfully delivered to our Client, a major multinational group active in industrial manufacturing sector, the selected local manufacturers of metal parts of metal sheets identified by FRD Center in Romania as potential new vendors for such products.This was part of a comprehensive new vendor identification process conducted by the FRD Center in Romania. The Client is a major international provider of car body and powertrain process chains in the automotive industry.