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What are the Dairy Equipment Opportunities in Romania? The Milking and Dairy Machinery Imports dynamics?

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The market entry consulting firm, FRD Center, has recently produced an “example report” – the Dairy Equipment Opportunities in Romania – Milking and Dairy Machinery Imports free report by FRD Center – , which can be downloaded free of charge at the link

According to FRD Center, the local dairy production in Romania is mainly based on imported machinery. As it results from the FRD Center analysis, the Romanian imports of milking machines and dairy machinery (TARIC 8434) registered a spectacular growth recently. This is presented in the Dairy Equipment Opportunities in Romania – Milking and Dairy Machinery Imports free report by FRD Center.

Statistic data provided by Eurostat show that in 2023, Romania imported milking machines and dairy machinery worth almost 28 mEUR. According to the FRD Center calculations, this is over 150% higher than in 2022.

In regards to the Romanian imports of dairy machinery (TARIC 843420), the statistic data provided by Eurostat show that in 2023 these exceeded 10 mEUR.

According to the FRD Center calculations, this represents a growth of almost 190% compared to 2022.

The main five origin countries for the Romanian imports of milking machines and dairy machinery in 2023 according to TradeMap are Germany, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands and Hungary.

According to the FRD Center analysis, presented in the Dairy Equipment Opportunities in Romania – Milking and Dairy Machinery Imports free report by FRD Center, some of the most dynamic importer-distributors of milking machines and dairy machinery operating on the Romanian market are:

  • Valdo Invest
  • Indal Partner
  • APF Trade
  • Facility Distrib
  • Hu Ro (Fermag)

Founded in 1992, Valdo Invest – – is a major importer-distributor of equipment and technologies for the food industry. Valdo Invest recorded a net turnover of approximately 8.5 mEUR in 2023, a significant increase of 221% compared to 2022.

Indal Partner – – offers machines for the food industry, especially for the dairy sector. The range of products they import and supply on the Romanian B2B market includes milk reception lines, pasteurization equipment for milk and cream, cheese processing lines, milk clarifiers, milk debacterizers, milk processing mixers, pneumatic cheese presses, dairy storage tanks etc.  In 2023, the firm recorded a net turnover of 2.9 mEUR, which according to the FRD Center analysis is 159% higher than in 2022.
Established in 2003, APF Trade – – is a dynamic importer-distributor of machinery for farms and the dairy processing industry. The company distributes milking machines, dairy processing lines, milk pasteurization installations, milk cooling tanks etc. Its portfolio includes the following brands: Sezer, Milkrite-Interpuls, Elecrem, Anelli, FILL-Systems, Kurtsan, InventAgri, Milkotronic etc.
Facility Distrib – – is a supplier of equipment for the food industry. The range of imported products comprises milk pasteurizers, centrifugal milk pumps, dairy tanks etc. Some of its suppliers are Spirax Sarco, Pentair, Lowara, Movex etc. Facility Distrib registered a net turnover of 1.8 mEUR in 2023, up 78% compared to the previous year.
Hu Ro – – imports and distributes a wide range of equipment for farms and dairy industry. Furthermore, the company has an online store. The product portfolio includes milking installations, dairy separators, milk cooling tanks, dairy presses, milk pasteurization devices, dairy filling machines etc. Examples of brands distributed by the firm are Frigomilk, Kurtsan, Null, Milky etc.
For their full profiles consult the FRD Center report at the link
What are the Opportunities and Challenges of the emerging economies in Europe in 2025? How to assess which of the Emerging European markets provides more opportunity and less threats in regards to foreign investment, business development and exports?
For nearly 25 years, the FRD Center team have been providing upon demand actionable information and credible authoritative resources for market entry into Emerging Europe. Contact us with your specific inquiry at email
The Food Processing sector in Romania is one of the most dynamic ones in the country. According to the FRD Center analysis, it presents numerous opportunities for the foreign investors and exporters. In particular, the Romanian dairy processing industry is quite dynamic.

For tailor-made market research, target origination, strategic business contacts with Decision Makers in Romania and the Emerging Markets in Europe, for targets search and deal origination feel free to contact the FRD Center team at email: or tel: +4021 411 1459

What is the dynamic of the Dairy Industry in RomaniaThe landscape of the dairy industry in Romania highlights an interesting mix of local and international players. Last year, Romania’s milk industry registered growth, with the top ten processors purchasing a total of 476 million kilograms of milk.

The increase in quantity also comes with higher production. In the first two months of 2024, compared to the same period last year, factories produced 18% more cheese – over 17,000 tons, but also more cream, over 11,000 tons, and drinking milk 63,000 tons.

According to the FRD Center analysis, there are considerable opportunities in the Food Processing Industry in Emerging Europe.

The players continue to invest in the Romanian dairy market. One such example is Lactalis Group who have invested over 60 million euros in the last 5 years in Romania, and for the current year announced investments of over 13 million euros.

Local companies such as Carmo-Lact, Therezia Prodcom, Prodlacta, along with Five Continents Group, are part of the largest milk buyers, demonstrating the significant presence of Romanian companies in this field.

How to take advantage of the market and export opportunities in the Food & Beverages sector and the FMCGs market in Romania and the Region?

Are you looking to establish commercial relations with reliable importers and distributors of packed foods, beverages, gourmet or frozen foods, fish, seafood, premium wines, dairy, refrigerated foods, fresh fruit and vegetables etc. covering the Romanian market and other markets in Eastern Europe such as Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Hungary, The Balkans, Czechia, Slovakia etc.?

Email the FRD Center team at and consult the details provided by FRD Center in the analysis at this link:

According to the market entry consulting firm FRD Center, some of the most successful local dairy processors – with 100% Romanian ownership – operating on the Romanian market are profiled in the recent demo report at the link:

Here is an example: Carmo Lact Prod – – is a dynamic dairy producer with a Romanian Owner.  According to the FRD Center analysis, Carmo Lact Prod recorded a net turnover of approximately 50 mEUR in 2023, up 19% compared to 2022. Furthermore, its net profit increased by almost 222% in 2023 in comparison with the previous year, reaching around 5.8 mEUR. The firm has around 250 employees.

Since 2000, the FRD Center team have been providing upon demand actionable information and credible authoritative resources for market entry into Emerging Europe. Contact us with your specific inquiry at email

For tailor-made market research, off-market target origination, strategic liaison with Decision Makers in Romania and the Emerging Markets in Europe, for targets search and deal origination feel free to contact the FRD Center team at email: or tel: +4021 411 1459

According to the FRD Center analysis, there are considerable opportunities in the Food Processing Industry in Emerging Europe.

For up-to-date info on opportunities in the Emerging Markets in Europe subscribe to the LinkedIn newsletter at

International players looking to expand to Europe through an acquisition have been targeting players in countries such as Romania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria or Turkey for their acquisition of local food processing companies.

Similarly, foreign manufacturers of equipment for food processing, as well as producers of additives and ingredients are considering markets in Emerging Europe for their market expansion.

What are the developments and investments on the Romanian food processing market? Who are the main players and how to reach their Decision Makers?

According to the FRD Center analysis, there are considerable opportunities in the Food Processing Industry in Emerging Europe. 

For tailor-made market research, target origination, strategic business contacts with Decision Makers in Romania and the Emerging Markets in Europe, for targets search and deal origination feel free to contact the FRD Center team at email: or tel: +4021 411 1459

What are the Livestock Farming Developments in Romania and the opportunities for new crossborder acquisitions?

Are you active in the livestock sector at international level? Do you want to expand to the Romanian agricultural market? To acquire a local player in the livestock agricultural sector?

Perhaps the FRD Center can be of assistance to you with off-market Target Origination and strategic business contacts at Decision Maker level of the local players. Email us at

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